Commit a8d026

@@ 13,3 13,15@@
Supplies that are in the system that have a quantity greater than zero are available for [[Requisitioning|Records/Service Records#supplies-requisition]]
+ ## Shop Supplies
+ Shop supplies are for supplies that are at a garage level and is available for requisitioning across all vehicles. This is useful for supplies that are shared across multiple vehicles such as motor oil, washer fluid, tires, etc.
+ ![](/Records/Supplies/a/image-1707454148363.png)
+ This tab is disabled by default, but can be enabled by the Root User in the Settings tab.
+ ![](/Records/Supplies/a/image-1707454169597.png)
+ Note that shop supplies are available for all users and all vehicles, do not enable this if you don't wish to share supplies with other users. When enabled, any user can add / edit / delete any shop supplies.