Scheduled Release 03/15/2024
- Made columns automatically shrink when extra fields are visible
- Improve file names when exporting attachments
- Fixed bug with black boxes showing up under Vehicle Maintenance Report
- Add Initial Odometer Reading and Distance metric to Odometer Records
- Distance Traveled chart in Reports tab now rely solely on odometer records
- Added functionality to edit multiple odometer records at once
Released 03/07/2024
- State persistence for column visibilities
- Flex basis for table columns to take up as much space as needed(no more white spaces)
- Statistics between records (average distance traveled and average days elapsed)
- Allow users to set their own acceptable file extensions for documents upload.
- Allow users to inject root user credentials via Environment Variables
- Allow users to hide sold vehicles
- Allow users to configure reminder urgency thresholds
- Column-specific search
- Added a Message of the Day(MOTD) feature.