You will then clone the following files onto your computer from the repository
- .env
- docker-compose.yml(docker-compose-traefik.yml if using Traefik)
In the .env file you will find the following and here are the explanations for the variables.
LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 <- Locale and Language Settings, this will affect how numbers, currencies, and dates are formatted.
LANG=en_US.UTF-8 <- Same as above. Note that some languages don't have UTF-8 encodings.
MailConfig__EmailServer="" <- Email SMTP settings used only for configuring multiple users(to send their registration token and forgot password tokens)
MailConfig__EmailFrom="" <- Same as above.
MailConfig__Port=587 <- Same as above.
MailConfig__Username="" <- Same as above.
MailConfig__Password="" <- Same as above.
Create a file named `.env` and use the [LubeLogger Configurator]( to generate the contents for it.
See [[Environment Variables|Advanced/Environment Variables]] for additional configuration