Commit b39f50

Technical Docs
@@ 53,7 53,7@@
## Database
- LubeLogger utilizes LiteDB, a sqlite-like noSQL file-based database. Generally this is a non-issue due to how efficient the DB is indexing, but relying on a file database means that LubeLogger can potentially be subjected to file locks and access issues if there are enough concurrent requests made to the database.
+ LubeLogger utilizes LiteDB, a sqlite-like noSQL file-based database. Generally this is a non-issue due to how efficient the DB is at indexing, but relying on a file database means that LubeLogger can potentially be subjected to file locks and access issues if there are enough concurrent requests made to the database.
## Reminder Urgencies
Reminder urgencies are calculated at every tab load. i.e.: whenever a tab is loaded in the vehicle details page, an async method retrieves the reminders, calculates their urgencies and automatically refresh past due reminders(if enabled). This can potentially present scalability issues if a vehicle has a large amount of recurring reminders.