Commit 9e2568

Annual Hiatus
@@ 8,7 8,7@@
TL;DR: we'd rather be doing other things than stay at home and stare at a screen answering questions, committing code, and reviewing PRs when it's nice and sunny outside.
- The long version: we live in a part of the world where warm weather is scarce. Our Winters are long, brutal while Spring is non-existant. During these times, we tend to find ourselves stuck at home with nowhere to go and nothing to do(unless you count strolling at Walmart as a good way to pass time). When it finally gets nice and warm, we have a backlog of stuff to do: touch grass, work on our vehicles, visit family, go on road trips, etc. Working on an unpaid basis on OSS is wasted time when the weather is nice and there are other more pressing obligations.
+ The long version: we live in a part of the world where warm weather is scarce. Our Winters are long, brutal while Spring is non-existant. During these times, we tend to find ourselves stuck at home with nowhere to go and nothing to do(unless you count strolling at Walmart as a good way to pass time). When it finally gets nice and warm, we have a backlog of stuff to do: touch grass, work on our vehicles, visit family, go on road trips, etc. Working on an unpaid basis on OSS is very low priority when the weather is nice and there are other more pressing obligations.
## What Does This Mean