Commit 8e39f8

2025-02-15 19:44:02 Hargata Softworks: x
installation/getting ..
@@ 10,7 10,14 @@
Create a file named `.env` in the same folder as the docker compose file and use the [LubeLogger Configurator]( to generate the contents for it.
- Note that the environment variables `LANG` and `LC_ALL` file is what will configure locale(currency, decimal, and date formats) that LubeLogger will use. Without these environment variables LubeLogger will default to `InvariantCulture`.
+ Note that the environment variables `LANG` and `LC_ALL` file is what will configure locale(currency, decimal, and date formats) that LubeLogger will use. Without these environment variables LubeLogger will default to
+ ```
+ InvariantCulture
+ Currency: ยค 0.00
+ Date: MM/dd/yyyy
+ Decimal: 0.00
+ ````
See [[Environment Variables|Advanced/Environment Variables]] for additional configuration
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