Commit 885547

@@ 24,6 24,24@@
## Server Issues
### NGINX / Cloudflare
+ ### Can't Access LubeLogger Instance from Other Devices
LubeLogger is a web app that runs on Kestrel, it literally doesn't matter if it's deployed behind a reverse proxy or Cloudflare tunnel. As long as the app can receive traffic on the port it's configured on, it will run.
+ This problem is specific to the Windows Standalone Executable, the problem stems from the fact that Kestrel is configured by default to listen on and only on localhost. In order to get around this, you will need to retrieve the IPv4 address of your local machine, and add the following section into `appsettings.json`
+ Note: replace `` with your local ip address and port
+ ```
+ "Kestrel": {
+ "Endpoints": {
+ "Http": {
+ "Url": ""
+ },
+ "Https": {
+ "Url": ""
+ },
+ }
+ ```