Commit 83fffd

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**Testing** - This is where the work is being reviewed / tested. i.e.: Going for a test drive with the lift kit.
- **Done** - This is where the work is marked as completed. Note that when a Plan is being moved to Done, it will prompt you to enter the current odometer reading. This is to ensure that the Service/Repair/Upgrade record that will be created from it contains the most up-to-date odometer reading.
+ **Done** - This is where the work is marked as completed.
### Updating Plan Stages
There are two ways you can update the stage a plan is currently in: drag and drop or updating it via the dropdown when editing a plan. You can backtrack a plan's stages within Planned, Doing, and Testing. i.e.: You can move the plan back from Testing to Doing if you find out there is more work to be done.
### Moving to Done
Once a Plan has been marked as Done, it can never be taken out of it. The only action that can be performed on it is Delete. You can delete Plans in the Done stage by clicking on them.
+ when a Plan is being moved to Done, it will prompt you to enter the current odometer reading. This is to ensure that the Service/Repair/Upgrade record that will be created from it contains the most up-to-date odometer reading.