Commit 727dc5

Technical Docs
@@ 0,0 1,14@@
+ # Technical Documentation
+ This is pretty much a list of notes and whatnot that offers the insight of how things operate under the hood(pun intended).
+ ## Locale
+ Locale is decided based on either the locale defined in the .env file or if running on bare metal, the system locale. Locale should stay consistent once the LubeLogger instance is set up, switching locales on the fly can result in numerical data not being parsed properly, especially between North American/British locales that use "." as decimal separator to European locales that use "," as decimal separator.
+ LubeLogger supports numerical data input that uses either "," or "." as decimal separators as long as the locale is set up properly. i.e.: 18,99 will only be parsed as 18.99 if you're in a locale that uses "," as a decimal separator. Trying to parse 18,99 in an American locale will be treated as 1899.
+ ## Reminder Urgencies
+ Reminder urgencies are calculated at every tab load. i.e.: whenever a tab is loaded in the vehicle details page, an async method retrieves the reminders, calculates their urgencies and automatically refresh past due reminders(if enabled). Will this result in a future bottleneck? Who knows.
+ ## Recurring Taxes
+ Recurring taxes are checked every single time the user clicks into the vehicle details page. It retrieves and checks if any recurring tax records are past due and automatically "refreshes" them by cloning the record.