Commit 67c9d4

2024-02-03 13:09:38 Hargata Softworks: added tags
records/fuel ..
@@ 49,13 49,14 @@
## Importing from CSV/Fuelly/
LubeLogger supports importing CSV exports from other apps, below lists the column names that are acceptable/mapped to our data points:
- | LubeLogger Data Field | Imported CSV |
- | --------------------- | ----------------- |
- | date | date, fuelup_date |
- | odometer | odometer |
- |fuelconsumed | gallons, liters, litres, consumption, quantity, fuelconsumed |
- | cost | cost, total cost, totalcost, total price |
- | notes | notes, note |
- | partialfuelup(inverse of isfilltofull) | partial_fuelup |
- | isfilltofull | isfilltofull, filled up |
- | missedfuelup | missedfuelup, missed_fuelup |
+ | LubeLogger Data Field | Imported CSV |
+ | -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
+ | date | date, fuelup_date |
+ | odometer | odometer |
+ | fuelconsumed | gallons, liters, litres, consumption, quantity, fuelconsumed |
+ | cost | cost, total cost, totalcost, total price |
+ | notes | notes, note |
+ | partialfuelup(inverse of isfilltofull) | partial_fuelup |
+ | isfilltofull | isfilltofull, filled up |
+ | missedfuelup | missedfuelup, missed_fuelup |
+ | tags | tags |
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