Commit 6145b6

2024-04-17 02:09:44 Hargata Softworks: added global search ..
@@ 22,6 22,11 @@
### Notes on Distance Traveled
The Distance Traveled chart relies solely on the odometer records found in [[Odometer|Records/Odometer]]
+ ## Global Search
+ The Global Search function allows the user to search for keywords across different records. Note that the search results are dependent on the visible tabs, i.e.: the user will not get results in Service Records if the Service Records tab is not visible. Incremental Search is enabled by default, which means that the app will search as the user is typing, this can cause performance issues if you have a large amount of records, so it is recommended that incremental search is disabled and search be performed manually by either pressing the Enter key or clicking the Search button.
+ ![](/Dashboard/a/image-1713319776561.png)
## Vehicle Maintenance Report
The Vehicle Maintainence Report Generator is a button that will generate a consolidated report of all work performed on the vehicle. For performance reasons, this report is designed to be printed as soon as it is generated. You can either choose to print it to paper or PDF.
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