Commit 4a033e

2025-02-15 19:41:39 Hargata Softworks: s
installation/getting ..
@@ 10,6 10,8 @@
Create a file named `.env` in the same folder as the docker compose file and use the [LubeLogger Configurator]( to generate the contents for it.
+ Note that the environment variables `LANG` and `LC_ALL` file is what will configure locale(currency, decimal, and date formats) that LubeLogger will use. Without these environment variables LubeLogger will default to `InvariantCulture`.
See [[Environment Variables|Advanced/Environment Variables]] for additional configuration
Once you're happy with the configuration, run the following commands to pull down the image and run container.
@@ 101,7 103,7 @@
- **Note:** `chmod 777` above is only used to rule out permission quirks/issues, please restrict the permissions to the lowest acceptable level once you have verified that LubeLogger can be executed on your machine.
+ **Note:** `chmod 777` above is only used to rule out permission quirks/issues, please restrict the permissions to the lowest acceptable level once you have verified that LubeLogger can be executed on your machine. `LANG=en_US` is an example to configure LubeLogger to use English(United States) as a locale.
## Test that It Works
Whichever path you choose, once you get the app up and running, just navigate to the IP address and port the server is listening to and you should be able to see the app
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