Commit 49bcfe

2024-03-05 01:41:24 Hargata Softworks: z
records/ ..
@@ 22,6 22,10 @@
| Very Urgent | < 7 days out | < 50 miles out |
| Past Due | > 0 days past | > 0 miles past |
+ The Root User can also set up custom reminder urgency thresholds in the Settings tab
+ ![](/Records/Reminders/a/image-1709602876021.png)
## Recurring Reminders
Reminders can be set to become recurring so that you don't have to create a new reminder for recurring maintenance such as oil changes. When you have completed the task set by the reminder, you can either have it automatically refresh when it lapses or by manually refreshing it. Refreshing a reminder effectively pushes out the due date or the odometer reading based on the recurring interval, i.e.: if a Reminder is due at 10000 miles and the interval is set at every 5000 miles, refreshing the Reminder will push the future odometer reading out to 15000 miles.
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