Commit 036389

Lubelogger Builder
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## Building for Windows and Linux
- It is recommended that you run the tool in Windows because it's the only environment we tested this tool in.
+ It is recommended that you run the tool in Windows because it's the only environment we tested this tool in. You cannot target MacOS with the build tool in Windows, it won't compile right despite generating an output, see below.
1. Download the source for the latest LubeLogger release
2. Extract the zip file
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## Building for MacOS(>=12.x/Monterey only)
- To build for MacOS you have to build and run the tool in MacOS due to app-signing/notarization requirements. Building the app in MacOS allows for ad-hoc signing.
+ To build for MacOS you have to build and run the tool in MacOS.
1. Download the source for the latest LubeLogger release
2. Extract the zip file